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Power Stations

Wallerawang Power, Station

The abundant coal fuels power stations which also need copious amounts of water for cooling. The man-made Lake Wallace not only provides water for the power station but also a nice amenity for the local community.


  1. Terrific composition on top! Well done!

  2. So, should I ask what they do with the water after it has cooled the process? Put it back into Lake Wallace?

    I am not against these things, I like my creature comforts. But I just like to know what the costs are.

  3. The picture of the cooling tower and cloud filled sky is very nice.

  4. Julie, I did some research. It seems power stations consume huge amounts of fresh water and it all goes up into the atmosphere as steam. The recent drought was affecting the ability of the local power stations to produce energy.

    Water and our lifestyle are more tightly linked that we imagine.

  5. These are all strong images - I like the top one and how you cropped the image of the tower. I also like the way you captured the light hitting the tree and water, and I love the positioning of the boat in the last photo.

  6. Nice how you composed the tower with the tree in front. Makes it a little bit less menacing.

  7. I have a secret confession. I have worked in the large thermal power stations at Wallerawang and Mount Piper and maintain a deep affection for them. Each time I drive past these fire breathing monsters my heart skips a beat and I let out a sigh.

  8. In answer to Julie's question the Wallerawang Power Station sits astride the Cos River. Cooling water used by the station comes from this river by way of two dams. After being recycled many times it eventually wanders down the Kanimbla and Burragorang Valleys into Warragamba Dam.

  9. Ray, I'm fond of the power stations too. I am hoping my posts have shown my respect for the industry around Lithgow.

    And thanks for the info on the water, everything I read talked about how much water is used in Electricity generation nothing else ... I can't believe that Delta has missed the opportunity to mention on their website that clean water flows on its merry way after they are done with it.

  10. Ooo ... taa for telling bout this follow-up comment. I will follow up Ray cause that sounds interesting.

    A couple more things, but ... yes, the water goes round and round cooling, but, when it goes back out into the streams is it 'clean' and what has happened to the heat that it removed from the innards of the power station.

    I did not know we had a Cos River. I can think of lettuce and I can think of set-squares. Now I have to go look at maps and I just know that I will smack my head into THAT bloody river.

    I was doing Family Tree work over the weekend to find that the first husband (she had three) of my GG-grandmother drowned ... yep ... in THAT river.


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