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Time stood still (3 of 3)

And at the local hall too. What was it -- a meeting place, a shop, a dance hall?

but if a living dance upon dead minds by e.e. cummings
but if a living dance upon dead minds
why,it is love;but at the earliest spear
of sun perfectly should disappear
moon's utmost magic,or stones speak or one
name control more incredible splendor than
our merely universe, love's also there:
and being here imprisoned,tortured here
love everywhere exploding maims and blinds
(but surely does not forget,perish, sleep
cannot be photographed,measured;disdains
the trivial labelling of punctual brains...
-Who wields a poem huger than the grave?
from only Whom shall time no refuge keep
though all the weird worlds must be opened?


  1. The series is wonderful, you could be a location scout for movie makers, JE.
    The poem I had to look up, it was too disjointed for me - the time of day maybe? maybe not - and I'm fascinated by its structure as well as its intention. Why do old buildings fascinate us so.

  2. I'm with pj, je: ee's structure is a bit tough at times.

    I wonder if the fascination of old things - especially abandoned old things - has to do with speculating what of our here-and-now will be abandoned in years hence?

    Local halls falling into disrepair spell the end of a community, which is sad.

    As I drove around the Mudgee area, I wondered as to the term "School of Arts". Any idea, before I google it?

  3. I'm with both of you. ee is often a trial but sometimes it is worth going out of the comfort zone to see if something interesting comes out of it.

    Julie, before I google it, here is what I know about School of Arts. I discovered some of the facts when I blogged about the mission to save the Mechanics Institute in Lawson. The Mechanics Institutes were set up as libraries, a place for adult education, particularly working men. They also were a place of entertainment, an alternative to the pub. Somewhere along the way these also became known as Schools of Art, there is for example a School of Arts up at Wentworth Falls.

    As for old buildings ... as JM has commented previously, one aspect is the mystery, what went on there? why the decay when other old buildings go on from strength to strength? Another is they are more rare than modern buildings so are more interesting. The speculation about the future is another interesting angle because history informs us, I like to know the history just one or two generations from myself because it still seems tangible and can reconstruct it in my head ... by they way that's one reason why I find Europe difficult, the history seems just too many generations ago and makes my head spin. And the final reason is because they seem to make such interesting photos ... perhaps the disorderly elements give it more texture and interest.

  4. Well I smiled at all these photos of structures! Specially since we made it to the big smoke for a few days in the rain, and I haven't taken out the camera, let alone taking photos of buildings.

    We're back in the mountains now so more no-building shots!

  5. I love this series! The textures are fantastic and everything seem to match here, even the dead (or almost dead) plants in the foreground. Beautiful!


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